
How to Preach Like a Puritan Devotional Reflections on Hebrews 11:39-40
Episode 16

How to Preach Like a Puritan  Devotional Reflections on Hebrews 11:39-40

Today, we scratch the surface on what made the Puritans so special. Was it their politics, their agenda to purify the worship of the church, or their theology? The Puritans are often the whipping boys for Romanists and secularists alike. But too often, the Puritans are thrown under the bus by their own spiritual heirs. 

What made the Puritans so special, in my humble estimation, was their preaching. Stay tuned as we scratch the surface on the elements of Puritan Preaching and offer a brief sermon, originally preached in Spanish, patterned after Puritan homiletical method. Gird your loins and stay tuned as we follow the method to their madness! 

(No wiccans were harmed in the production of this episode).

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