
About Urban Puritano

Urban Puritano. Born and raised in Chicago. The city is my life. Not Chicago. That will be the death of me. The City of God, not the City of Man.

Life is an odyssey surviving in the city. Whether it’s Chicago, Illinois or Graceville, Florida we are all living in the City of Man which is doomed to destruction.

Only faith in the Christ of Scripture is able to take us to a better city—the City of God.

In fact, the believer is on a pilgrim's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

As we endeavor to live unto God in this world, our faith looks for the city which is to come Whose Architect and Builder is the Living God. You are not alone on your journey. As you travel the narrow way, know that a great cloud of witnesses went before you. Many travel alongside you. And while the Lord tarries, many will follow the same path after you. But until the Heavenly City is brought to us or we to it, one such pilgrim is your fellow traveler.

-I am Urban Puritano.

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